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PROpel is a national competition created exclusively for emerging leaders, providing the opportunity for engagement in discussions and connections with influential representatives in the interior design community. Each participant will be announced as part of a promotional series on a weekly basis with a short profile published across IDC’s social media platforms, newsletters, and honoured at the IDC Awards Celebration this fall.

Who can apply?

    • IDC allied members
    • IDC intern members
    • IDC registered members (1-5 years in practice)

What is required?

    • Completed personal information
    • Two reference letters (one letter must come from a Registered IDC Member)
    • Answers to short-answer questions

How are participants chosen?

    • A jury comprised of professionals in the industry and design community, and IDC representatives will review all valid entries and select award recipients.
    • Proposals will be judged based on the submissions meeting the noted selection criteria.
    • Participants will be selected and notified in early summer and will be honoured this fall

Submission deadlines have been extended to Friday, May 28, 2021 at 12 p.m. ET.


Learn more about the 2020 PROpel Emerging Leaders Program participants:

Laura Goodsman
Melissa Munroe
Ally Darling-Beaudoin
Casey Yuen
Meagan Buchanan

Contact with inquiries.